Monday, November 16, 2009

We are now the proud parents of teenager #2!!!

Really, how can that be when Russ and I are sooooooo young? I cannot believe I have two teens now. We celebrated Clay's 13th birthday in October with a 14-member strong sleepover (that's another story in itself - whew!) and the next day we took him to one of his favorite restaurants, Marketplace. We had a great time celebrating our young man - we love him more than words can say, and could not be more proud of him. He loves his God, his family, and his friends. He is by no means perfect, but Clay has always seemed to be a leader.... and we pray he will seize that trait and be a godly influence over his younger siblings and his peers.

Celebrating with friends..

The real reason he wanted Marketplace: The Chocolate Mess

A phone... finally... last kid in the universe to get one ;)

He decided to share!

Madi and Kristen

Clay's extremely young parents!


Jennifer said...

Oh, I miss the chocolate mess!!! And, yes, he does have extremely young parents. :)