Well that is the "title" that I chose for this blog when I started a couple of years ago... obviously referring to my kids, of whom these posts are usually about :-) Actually, this post is about another set of "two boys and two girls" that are unknown to me at this point, but are high priority in my prayers. They are my children's future spouses! Now of course, marriage is FAR in the future for them, especially the younger ones, but I feel it's never too early to begin praying about the 2nd most important decision your child will make (1st being salvation). I started when Kristen was a toddler; as I prayed for her future, I felt absolutely compelled to pray for the man that she would someday make a commitment to. As of now, I pray for 4 nameless people, whoever, wherever they are.... funny to think I could be praying for someone my child goes to school with, or someone I've never met half-way across the country!
My prayers for them include lots of things, but in a nutshell: I pray that as they grow that they would come to know God early in their life, and be not luke-warm, but passionate about their faith; that God would bless their family and protect and prosper them in every way possible; that they would make wise decisions, protect their hearts as teenagers, and place a high value on waiting for my son or daughter; and that the relationship will happen in God's perfect and ordained time. And it could be that my children are being prayed for in this way, as well ~ what an amazing thought!
Since I'm on the dating/marriage subject, I'll do a book plug. For my older two, it has been "required reading" - haha... and they loved it. It's called "Dateable" and I think it helped answer their questions in a way that made sense to them. When I was teaching youth, a friend suggested I go through this book with my class, which I did and they ate it up! It's great, the best I've seen on the subject in awhile, because it puts the whole dating concept in perspective. It's extremely teen-friendly, aimed at both guys and girls, and speaks the truth plainly with a sense of humor to hold their attention.

I love it! I try and pray as often as I can (when I remember) for the boys that will one day be part of our family as well! :) What an amazing thing/feeling to think that someone might be praying that for OUR children!
Ok, so the book...is it a Bible Study book, just a reading book or what? I'm probably going to go back to teaching youth, my same girls, for their senior year. Sounds like it would be a great one for us to do! Can you fill me in more about it? I think you have my e-mail, but just in case sescogin@hotmail.com
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